Engage your kids with simple yet fun kindergarten activities! These activities are specially designed for kindergarten children will surely keep their interest and fulfill their curiosity at the same time. There are many interesting activities available, including math games, reading activities, science projects, and even printables. There are so many options, it is easy to find something that will keep your children interested and engaged. These are some great activities to make your child’s first day of kindergarten more exciting.
Both parents and children love matching games. It’s a great activity for older children as well. This fun game involves matching letters and shapes, then asking the child if they can find the correct object. For younger children, this would include alphabet letters. Letter sounds very easy but in actual fact, it requires a lot of practice just to be able to place the letter well. This activity is a great way to teach your children about letters and matching them correctly.
Science and math are probably the most important parts in kindergarten. To help your kids develop mathematical skills, you can encourage them to do science and math experiments with cardboard boxes. Wooden blocks are great for younger children as they can easily stick their fingers in them and learn immediately. While cardboard boxes are great to use for older kids because they can be carried around and make their own games with the pieces that they have, cardboard boxes are best for larger kids. Make simple animals and trees from cardboard with your child’s paper and cut-outs as part of science and math activities for kindergarteners.
In order for your children to excel in math, try making your own puzzles using basic shapes and colors. There are many math games that you can play online with your kindergarteners. The problem is that most kids do not know how to solve math problems yet, so it is important that you keep reminding them during their pre-kindergarten years. These are the most popular kindergarten math activities you can choose from.
Reading a story is another popular activity for kindergarten. You can tell your child a story, telling him about friends who have died, or you can make up your own story. The only thing that is necessary for this activity is that you ask your child to sit or stand in front of you, motionless, and point to something on the page. Once your child points out something, say the word, “Yes”, and give your child a piece of his/her piece of paper, which he/she must read. Also you can print practical kindergarten reading worksheets to make the activity more didactic.
All of these kindergarten activities can be used to inspire and motivate your children. The key to making math fun for them is for you to get them physically moving through the act of solving problems. Doing so will encourage your kids to use their fine motor skills which are essential in developing their brains. Fine motor skills can be developed in a more active environment than they are in a room with books.